Mar 11, 2023Liked by Crowdsource the Truth

you know, life is just a struggle everyday...🎃👺🤡

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Crowdsource the Truth

Jamie Gorelick was Jeffery Epsteins boss until he threatened to expose her unless released.

She also an agent in the pay of Iran, if you dont know who she is Google her (and she's the Shadow President and Bidens handler and Obams Handker and Bush's handler.

Schlumberger board member 2002-2010 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/schlumberger-oilfield-holdings-ltd-agrees-plead-guilty-and-pay-over-2327-million-violating-us

Gorelick also orchestrated the Russia collusion fraud and funneled most of the revenues to her own firm (Wilmerhale of McCarthy hearings fame team Commie) Map team Mueller to JG.

She also orchestrated her own treason coverup.



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